Wednesday, April 14, 2010

James Krenov inspired walnut and spalted maple whiskey cabinet, chainsaw mill and the wild bounty

Here's a little progress report on the cabinet and a few other projects. It's been a very busy spring! The cabinet is coming along very nice. The door panels are made of spalted maple, and case and stand are made from the same 8/4 slab of walnut everything is grain matched and looks great! The stand has curvy long legs and double apron, the cross stretcher which hold the cabinet will give the appearance that the cabinet is almost floating on air. I will follow up with more pictures soon.

As far as other new things and new toys. I've just purchased an Alaskan Mark III chainsaw mill and cut my first tree down on Sunday. It was a very old pear tree with the most beautiful grain I've ever seen, it will make great door panels, and few other things when it dries.
The Michigan forest are starting to bloom, and that means wild leeks, fidddlehead ferns and morels soon to follow.